Archery Beier Online Store does not work by using Mozilla Firefox


ATTENTION: Archery Beier Online Store does not work by using Mozilla Firefox!

Dear customers,

Since the last Mozilla update of 29 June 2017 to the version 54.0.1, there are still problems with our online store, the desired order quantity for the products cannot be selected.

Until the problem can be solved, the following option is available:

Please select another browser, e.g. Windows Explorer, Chrome or Safari – the function of our shop with these browsers is without impairment.


Archery week in the Netherlands


Archery week at All Inn Traditional in the Netherlands

Our bows for generations with their unique warranty inspire the archery world: Each day we are very happy about the positive feedback of many archers and dealers who assess the performance and the quality of our handmade bows as excellent.

Also in the Netherlands they have become aware of the bows with the hundred years warranty.
Perry and Sandra van Ravenstein from All Inn Traditional in Schijf have included bows from us in their product range for the first time.
Before the new range of bows will be presented to the customers, the team of All Inn Traditional had a trial week.
In this week the company‘s employees tested our bows to form an opinion and to assess the quality and the performance.
Starting on Saturday, 24th June 2017, there will be an official by BEIER GERMANY archery week to which customers and clubs will be invited for test shooting.

For more information about the By BEIER GERMANY archery week visit Facebook:

We are pleased to welcome Perry and Sandra as a new dealer for Bogensport Beier and wish them a prosperous business!

Test shooting of the Beier bows at All Inn Traditional Netherlands:

Test shooting at All Inn Traditional Test shooting at All Inn Traditional Test shooting at All Inn Traditional Test shooting at All Inn Traditional Test shooting at All Inn Traditional Test shooting at All Inn Traditional


Distribution of MM Crafts


Bogensport Beier takes over the distribution of MM Crafts

Säbelschwinge (Saber-wing), Waldtroll (forest troll) or Drachenei (dragon egg) – the 3D fantasy figures from the series „Drachenblut (Dragon blood)“ by Dragon Brothers Max and Moritz Gesswein conquer the 3D-Parcours for the special experience of archery.

The targets are foamed according to the original drawings from high-quality foam material from Franzbogen and will be colored by MM Crafts in the future in order to guarantee the artistic design on a high level.

Since Max and Moritz Gesswein will be concentrating more on the creative business in the future and want to expand the product range by further figures, we are sales partners for MM Crafts from 2017 onwards.

Merchant requests and orders for the fantasy 3D targets Dragon blood should therefore be addressed directly to us, you can reach us at or call 09569/1889140.