Distribution of MM Crafts


Bogensport Beier takes over the distribution of MM Crafts

Säbelschwinge (Saber-wing), Waldtroll (forest troll) or Drachenei (dragon egg) – the 3D fantasy figures from the series „Drachenblut (Dragon blood)“ by Dragon Brothers Max and Moritz Gesswein conquer the 3D-Parcours for the special experience of archery.

The targets are foamed according to the original drawings from high-quality foam material from Franzbogen and will be colored by MM Crafts in the future in order to guarantee the artistic design on a high level.

Since Max and Moritz Gesswein will be concentrating more on the creative business in the future and want to expand the product range by further figures, we are sales partners for MM Crafts from 2017 onwards.

Merchant requests and orders for the fantasy 3D targets Dragon blood should therefore be addressed directly to us, you can reach us at sale@bogensport-beier.de or call 09569/1889140.